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Webberville Junior Athletic Association

WJAA Sponsorship

WJAA Sponsorship

 All athletes qualify for a WJAA Sponsorship.  If a WJAA Sponsorship is used, there maybe a non-refundable fee charged and volunteer requirements during that season.    

If a WJAA Sponsorship has been given for a player's registration fees, and the required fee and/or volunteer hours are not satisfied, that child/family will no longer qualify for future sponsorship.  Full registration and uniform fees will be due for the next sport that is played. 

Please contact the commissioner of the sport that has granted the sponsorship for details, and what is required to fulfill the sponsorship requirements.

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2024-25 Volunteer Requirements


I, ___________________________________, agree to work a minimum of 2 home games plus 1 slot for tournament games (if we host) in order to receive my working deposit back at the end of the season. I understand Webberville Junior Athletic Association (WJAA) only exists and provides sports opportunities because of volunteers.


If I do not fulfill my requirements, I forfeit my deposit. ___________ (initials)


It is my responsibility to contact the commissioner if I cannot make my time slot and need to reschedule.  ____________ (initials)



Parent Signature __________________________________________________


Printed Parent Name _______________________________________________


Date ________________________________


Thank you for making our season the most fun year yet!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.


Have a wonderful year and go Spartans!


WJAA Determination of Rosters

Please note, rosters will be determined using the following criteria, in the following order:

1st - Age-based (unless it works to move an athlete up a playing level) the player will be placed on a roster based on his/her age.
2nd - First come, first serve (Those who have signed up AND paid first will be placed on a roster, the others would be placed on a waiting list until it was determined if there was a spot for them.)
3rd - NO requesting coaches (If there are enough players to have multiple teams at an age level, except for the coach's child, rosters will be based on trying to make sure the teams have equal skills split.)

WJAA Uniform and Equipment

 Should an individual fail to return a WJAA uniform and/or equipment in a timely manner, the WJAA Board of Directors may suspend the player from participating in any or all activities for that sport and/or any other sport they are eligible to play in the future through WJAA, until the uniform and/or equipment has been returned. 
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